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Dry cleaning of carpets

Dry cleaning of carpets
Is the carpet dirty even though it's only a year old? In the garage is the rolled up carpet of your childhood, whole but dusty and faded? Is it time to clean the expensive silk rug? In this review, we will tell you how to update any carpet or carpet, completely remove dust, dirt and unpleasant odors, thereby freshening the interior and indoor air. Moreover, a specialist will do it either right at home, or at a professional carpet washing. 




Dry cleaning of carpets at home

It is convenient to clean a carpet or a large carpet right at home, having previously freed the room from furniture as much as possible. Depending on the base material and the nap, cleaning is chosen either dry or wet. 

Wet cleaning

Extractor cleaning perfectly cleans dirt, but not suitable for natural carpets due to the risk of deformation, discoloration and shrinkage. Cleaning steps:
  • The first step is to dry the carpet with a professional vacuum cleaner.
  • Then a cleaning solution is applied that matches the type of pile and material of the carpet. 
  • Stains are intensively treated with professional detergents.
  • The foam is then removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  • In case of heavy contamination, the procedure is repeated again.
  • After one hour , the carpet should dry for several hours.

Dry type of cleaning

This type is often called powder due to the fact that the appearance of the reagent is similar to a powder, but it consists of many micro-sponges. They contain a composition that dissolves pollution of any origin. These sponges pull the dirt out of the fluff and then simply remove with a vacuum cleaner. Dry cleaning of carpets is well suited for carpets that require delicacy: natural, antique, silk, woolen. However, dry cleaning is not very effective. The upper third of the villi is cleared, the microsponges are not able to penetrate deeper. Therefore, such dry cleaning is justified for moderately soiled carpets. Due to the rather high cost of this type of cleaning, comparable to the price of a domestic carpet, it is quite justified to use it only in relation to expensive natural carpets.

Takeaway dry cleaning

Сейчас уже не редкость полностью продуманная система чистки ковровых изделий на специализированных ковровых мойках. Достаточно сделать звонок, чтобы сервис сработал. Приедут, заберут, помоют, привезут.Услуги подобного свойства оказывают практически все автомойки. Чистка производится на оборудовании высокого давления воды, которое используется для мойки автомобилей. Сушка происходит естественным путем в перекинутом через перекладину виде. Если вам нужна срочность, дешевизна услуги и вы точно знаете, что ваш ковер выдержит такую мойку и сушку, то можно прибегнуть к ней. Многие клининговые компании имеют в своем арсенале специализированные ковровые мойки, где чистка ковров происходит на высокопрофессиональном уровне. Мойка ковровых покрытий водой происходит на специальном конвейере. Ковер увлажняется, обрабатывается реагентом, и за дело берутся два уровня механических щеток. Затем ковер последовательно проходит отделы: полоскания под высоким давлением, вакуумный, отжима в центрифуге, сушки, скручивания. Результат на выходе - идеально чистое, практически новое ковровое покрытие, играющее обновленными яркими красками. The same result is achieved with dry cleaning. It is used when wet exposure is impossible, for delicate, expensive products. Here, special shafts are taken to work, knocking out the carpet from both sides, the vacuum system instantly collects flying dust, the electrostatic chassis removes dirt and the product goes to the final stage of twisting.
The customer service industry is constantly improving with the development of eco-friendly detergents and carpet attachments to keep them clean and fresh longer.