What is Available on the store?
Dear customers! In our shop in full display of all types of quality carpet products that are stated on our website and even more. But all the models (they are now in the online store planet Carpets more than 10 500) of all sizes to provide on the store, unfortunately, is not possible. For Your convenience, on our website we have added information about whether Your product on the store. After choosing the product, its web page You can immediately see availability at the moment on the store or lack thereof. This information is listed as text "Presented in show-room: Yes / no.
We also remind you that we have the opportunity to bring many of presentation of goods for display at the store. About the possibility of viewing and all the details, contact our managers. In addition, there is a service fitting in your home or in the office (she paid).
Successful to You of purchases
the administration of the site planet Carpet.