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Shaggy carpet Tunis 0026 kmk

  • Артикул 13280
  • Composition Polypropylene
  • Collection Tunis
  • Density 182 000 nodes/m²
  • Pile height 30 mm
  • Basis Jute
  • Style Modern
  • Weight 3.940 kg/m²
  • Producer Belgium
  • Method of manufacturing Machine-woven

1262 грн/m2

We don't always understand exactly why we like one or the other thing. Just give your preference of what feels right. With regard to the collection of shaggy carpets Tunis, it is impossible not to notice their stunning pictures and nice colors. Due to the pile height of 300 mm, they are soft to the touch and perfectly trap dust, not allowing her to remain on the surface of the carpet. It is easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

1414 грн/m2
1328 грн/m2
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